Thursday, July 7, 2011

What in the world am I doing? A Reboot! Am I crazy?

For quite some time I have been really toying with the idea of doing a Juice Fast. A way to do a body cleanse and get back to some normalcy. I had spent a few years being pretty healthy, but found the last year had pretty much gone to hell. Eating crap...and lots of it!

I bought a book while I was on vacation "The Juice Fasting Bible: Discover the Power of All-Juice Diets to Restore Good Health, Lose Weight, and Increase Vitality" by Sandra Cabot, MD. It fed my desire to do the fast, so I got home and after getting my promotion at work I decided to get the juicer that I had spent weeks researching...the Omega VRT330HD.

I then saw a movie on Netflix "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead". (Trailer) It was only available on DVD, so I put it in my Queue. Over this last weekend I noticed it became available on Netflix streaming. I HAD to see this movie...I mean it has a juicer on the cover! Needless to say...this movie pushed me over the proverbial edge! At the end, the movie said to visit This site had the box "READY TO START JUICING? visit RebootYourLife. From the RebootYourLife site I took their assessment to find that I should start the Reboot Entry Program. I then took a couple of days to think about and continue reading about this program. This program is described as "Our entry plan is a 15 day journey to wellness. In this plan, you can juice and blend produce as well as eat raw and cooked vegetables and fruits in any order or combination that suits your life. This program is intended for those who are brand new to eating a plant-based diet, those who have recently completed a juice fast or those who would like to participate in a Reboot, but don’t want to exclusively juice, for 5 days. In this program you can juice with eating for the entire time." The site contains full meal plans including recipes for the entire 15 days. They also have a directory of recipes in case one doesn't appeal to you...believe me...some sound pretty harsh.

I made the decision to go for it! I printed the first 7 days. I took the first 4 days and made a grocery list, and then I was off to Horrocks! One hour later I was walking out with 6 very full paper sacks totaling $96.98. I got: 6 cucumbers; bag of frozen green beans; 2 bunches parsley; 12 radishes; 2 beet bunches; 1 jicama; 1lb spring mix; 5,34 lbs Zucchini; bunch of basil; celery; green onion; 3 lbs carrot; 2 bunches kale; 2 bunches cilantro; fresh thyme; fresh rosemary; 2 leeks; 2 oranges; 2 loose beets; broccoli bunch; 2 red bell peppers; 1 jalapeno; 3 Avocado; 3 sweet potato; 9 apples; 1 white onion; 1 grapefruit; .62 lbs red cherry; 1 red onion; 1 pineapple; 1lb strawberries; 4 kiwi; 2 cans coconut water; apple cider vinegar; 1 mango; lime juice; 6 oz blackberry; bengal spice herbal tea; 1 pt blueberries; ground mustard; cayenne pepper; golden raisins; 1 banana; 1 portabella mushroom. I was able to get everything but an acorn squash and mint. Now remember...this is supposed to be only for 4 days! I somehow got the loot all packed into the fridge.

Tonight I got home and the plan was to make the needed meals for Day 1. It didn't go too badly. Took me just over two hours to do Breakfast, two juices, lunch...which included making dressing and 1/2 of dinner. The other 1/2 is a salad. Pretty easy to throw together. Tune in tomorrow to see what the meals were and what I thought of them...I have to say...looks VERY scary!!!

So, my goal is to blog this 15 day journey. I have no doubt it will be just that...a journey, but I am publicizing it so that you can keep me to this. My plan is to post daily both blog and pictures.

Here goes comes the personal information many care not to share, but I don't hold much back!

Bust: 39"
Belly Button: 34.5"
Hips: 39"
Left thigh: 21.5
Left arm: 11
Weight: Not totally sure, my scales are at work, but guessing around 157...I plan to weigh in tomorrow morning.